HR Leadership Breakthrough Session Application

I am excited to offer you this FREE Breakthrough Session!  I am mindful to only work with people that have a strong level of commitment to living and working at their best. And I am sure that you have some expectations too, so please share them here. 

Please complete the following application PRIOR to booking your appointment.  This will help us to get the greatest value from our limited time together. 


Please briefly tell me a little about the top 3 challenges you're facing in your career and/or life that you'd like to be different.



How do you feel when you review this?



If you were able to address these challenges, what impact would that have in your career and/or life?



Have you tried working with a career/leadership coach before?  If so, what worked and what didn't work for you?



How soon would you like to begin working with a coach like me?



Why do you think you might want to work with me, in particular?  How do you envision working with someone like me helping you?



How did you first hear about me and my work? (i.e., you attended one of my events, referred by a friend/colleague)


Please be sure to list the specific event or referral name(s) here so I can follow up and thank them!


Is there anything else you'd like to share with me?


Thank you for your responses!   You can now CLICK HERE to schedule your Breakthrough Session in a new window.


Don't forget to input your contact information in the fields below and click the blue button to SAVE & SEND me your responses.


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